Practice in a world Class Environment

When your looking to learn and improve, making the learning curve as steep as possible is always at the top of everyones agenda. The missing element for alot of golfers is FEEDBACK.

Being able to get feedback on your club data, ball data or swing can really make your sessions more valuable and help you reach your goals quicker!

Play Better Golf

Practice Sessions

Practice in an environment which allows you to get instant feedback. The TrackMan TPS Software can give you acciurate club data, ball data and you can create your own personalised tests to test any part of your game.

You can play course, create structured practice sessions and even use TrackMan's ' Tracy " to help you identify what you need to work on!

Create Conciquence

TEST your game

The difference often between the practice range and the course is simply conciquence.

Testing your skills in Practice is a great way to simulate the pressure we feeel on the course as eavh shot counts!

The TrackMan Combine test is also a popular feature as this will give you a breakdown of the strengths and weaknesses at different distances from the pin.

Have Fun

Play some of the worlds best courses

PLay some of the worlds best courses in a controlled, warm environment and experience a truley amazing simulation!

Some of the courses included in teh TrackMan software are -

  • Old Course St Andrews
  • Valderama
  • Marco Simone Golf and Country Club
  • Wentworth West Course
  • Royal Portrush - Dunluce Links