We are so excited to help you on your golfing Journey.

Coaching over a period of time is without question the best option for you to improve your golf and apply long term Improvements which can last a lifetime. This is does not just mean technical swing coaching, its a rounded education looking at different parts of the game which all contribute towards playing better golf.

  • Online Coaching

    Our approach to online coaching is not your normal online technical lesson. We believe that golf coaching goes way beyond just technical changes and improvements.

    Our online coaching service gives our coaches the ability to delve into your strengths and weaknesses through tracking your stats and giving you personalised feedback biweekly.

    We also deliver online content via Coach now to support our recomendations and you'll also get access to our library of content which grows each month.

    This approach allows to improve their golf without making technical improvements on the range.

  • 1-1 Technical Coaching

    1-1 Technical coaching does exactly what is says on the tin, its all about 1-1 time with your coach where you will identify the technical adjustments you need to improve in order to directly influence your movement patterns.

    You will get feedback and drills via coach now and you will be able to get priority booking links which will allow you to book ahead of casual bookings.

    There is no minimum term but for our coaches to help you we recommend golfers to commit to 6 months worth of coaching.

    This is perfect for anyone looking to go through a technical block of coaching and ideal in the Pre Season ( Winter ) period!

  • All Inclusive Package

    This type of coaching includes both of the above packages and is for the golfer who really wants to push forward in their game and works hard at their game!

    Our coaches will assess your stats online, give you feedback and this data will then dictate the structure of your 1-1 sessions.

    You will get a monthly 1-1 Sessions, biweekly feedback online and also a quarterly Zoom call to talk through any concerns and feedback with your coach.

    This package will allow you to book in advance, get unlimited access to your coach via coach now. You will also be invited to group meet ups where we will deliver content and sessions to you online and in person.

    This package is very limited due to the time commitment required by our coaches but for the right clients this is Amazing!

Are you right for our Coaching Packages?


What does this mean? More than anything this is an intent and desire to improve, we want results as much as you do! This does not mean you need to be practicing 6 hours a day, it may mean that your 1 hour session per week is nailed, theres some good focus during your practice.


Application is all about staying focused in-between sessions and applying a coaches instructions. We are not saying you need to do be pin point perfect, but at least provide feedback on the previous sessions drills, findings so we can tweak and improve our delivery of future Sessions.


Coaching is a 2 way process, we get as much from you as you will get from your coach. Diligent feedback, good communication and some sensible goals to work towards which will be agreed between coach and player. We will expect some feedback from you on a weekly basis, nothing too details but a consistent communication.


This is probably one of the most important parts to improvement. Being consistent in your playing, practicing and feedback is massively helpful for your coach.

" Sometimes overcooked is just as bad as undercooked "

What to expect from us

Coach Now Account Set up

We will set you up on our coach now platform where you can communicate with your coach. This is our preferred method of communication and where you will receive your session notes, screen casts and any other forms of communication.

Quarterly Zoom Call

We like to touch base with everyone every quarter, this doesn't have to be a zoom call it can be a catch up over a cup of coffee even do discuss progress.

Monthly Coaching Sessions

Every month we expect you to book in for a 1-1 session, these sessions do not roll over to the next month so its important that you book your sessions in advance.

We only take on a limited amount of clients based on our availability, so if we get lots of roll overs then it means others wont be able to book in.

Some of your sessions may include some form of data capture and feedback. ( See next Drop down )

Data Capture

This is a crucial part for your coaches to assess and plan your sessions, these type of sessions wont necessarily be a coaching session and no feedback will be given on the day but we will feedback to you within 7 days of the data capture event.

This will involve alot of analysis behind the scenes analysis, so please be patient as your coach analyise your data and feedback to you.

Monthly Activities

These sessions will vary, they will vary from group practice sessions, group course sessions

These are brilliant for you to surround yourself with like minded players, put your self in environments which will challenge you and test you.

Its all part of learning.

Online Pre Recoded Webinars

We will be delivering you some relevant educational sessions which be appropriate to the time of year and learning phase your in.

Enrolment into a STATs Package

As part of this package you will be enrolled onto a Game Forged Statistics which which allow your coach to review your rounds, identify strengths and weaknesses and provide you BiWeekly feedback on your rounds. Some times we will push this back to monthly if there's been some bad weather, but we will still reach out to you anyhow.

Still With us?

If your interested in registering for a coaching package with us, please fill out the type form below and one of our coaches will be in touch with you within 48 hours !